D&D Generator v1
Feb 26, 2023
Mystic Waffle's Random D&D Dungeon Generator is a web application, forged by AJ, a Human Sorcerer, written in JavaScript. The app implements a procedural generation algorithm to draw Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other RPG maps for your next session. The maps are accompanied by randomly generated room descriptions, doorway connections, and items. The generator can be configured using a number of settings.
Start Generating!The D&D generator pictured in this article references the Alpha v1 Generator. A new build, the Beta v2 Generator, is now live which resolve some technical deficiencies in the original architecture and adds a significant number of features and customization controls. The Beta Generator is a work in progress and some features are still being ported from the Alpha v1 app.
The D&D generator currently has three main features: generating dungeon maps, dungeon rooms, and items. Maps are populated by rooms, and rooms are filled with items. I have future plans to add encounter, name, and NPC generators, multi-level dungeons, and lots more. The release notes document the app's evolution.

Map Generator
The Dungeon Map Generator procedurally generates and places rooms, hallways, and connections on a grid to draw a map. Room descriptions, traps, doorways, and items are randomly assigned to each room based on probability tables for rarity, condition, and quantity.
Keys for any locked doors are distributed throughout the rooms. Concealed and secret passageways sometimes separate rooms. Dungeon maps can be hidden in the rooms, mixed with the dungeon's loot, for a lucky adventurer to pick up.

Room Generator
The Rooms Generator generates one or many rooms of varying types, such as a wizard's laboratory, a shrine room, or an armory, to name just a few. Rooms are populated with items and furniture from sparse to lavish and may be in exquisite to deteriorating condition.
Future plans include adding item type "affinity" so, for example, an armory is more likely to have weapons, a kitchen to have food and culinary knives.

Item Generator
The Items Generator prints out all types of loot! From tavern grub to mystical objects of randomized conditions, type, and rarity.
Future plans include adding potions and magical items and giving creators the ability to fine-tune distribution tables for better control over treasure rarity and abundance.

Evolution Of Mystic Waffle's Dungeon Generator
It's winter in 2019 I am stuck at the in-laws; so I'm challenging myself to program a procedurally generated game map. JavaScript sounds like a good choice, plus that way anyone can run the app in a web browser.
Release notes and screen shots of the app's evolution can be seen on the release notes page. The generator has come a long way, but has a longer way to go still. If you like the app or have constructive feedback please leave a comment below.
May 26 2024
For your dungeon generator, is there a way to save the generated map?
Also, well done with the generator! The other applications I have looked through don't do well with random generation.
May 27 2024
Hi Daniel. Thanks! I'm working on a v2 of the application which will include a way to save generated maps. I'll leave and update here when it is available. Cheers.
Oct 12 2024
The v2 dungeon generator is now live on mysticwaffle.com and includes a way to download the generated map as either a PNG image file or a backup file so you can save your work in progress then resume editing your map at a later time.