Well you’re here. So you’re likely in one of these three buckets:
You think it’s ridiculous that AD&D 2e could ever hold a candle to modern D&D 5e—you’re ready to grab a pitchfork and start a riot in the comments!
You’re on the fence. Maybe you’ve played some 5th edition, maybe you’ve played some AD&D 2nd edition long ago, and you’re simply curious about the pros and cons.
You love AD&D 2e, you’re tired of the 5th edition hype, and you’re looking to validate your feelings on OSR (Old School Renaissance / Old School Revival).
Dungeon Masters often weave their own house rules into game play. Unlike almost every other board game, the Dungeon Master's guide actually encourages the DM to tweak, change, add, remove, bypass, or ignore any and every rule in the book they feel has a good reason to be modified. This is the genius behind D&D. It is not restricted by traditional board-game limitations. In this article I've collected most of the custom house rules I like to play with.
Whenever Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition comes up, the first thing out of people’s mouths is, “Uggh, THAC0.” I love AD&D 2e, and I played it for over twenty years before trying 5e. It is a great game which can be played simply, using just the PHB, DMG, and MM, or with dozens of optional expansion books, deepening the game with hundreds of optional player and DM rules to mix and match as your group sees fit. Working with your DM in 2e to select a race, class, and kit, drawing from over a decade of printed content, is seriously fun; dare I say more fun than min/maxing a first level 5th Edition character. That said however... Uggh, THAC0.
Hello, wafflers of the internet. It’s Vale, Mystic Waffle’s own Magic obsessive and hardcore spike. I’d like to talk today about Bloomburrow limited, which I think I’ve been enjoying quite a bit more than most people. More specifically, I want to talk about why I’ve been drafting so much green-black in the format, and why you should too. So without further ado, let’s get squirrely!
Hi there. I'm just taking a quick pulse on how many old Magic: The Gathering boosters I have stashed away in a shoe box in my office. I was opening these for a while for drafts, but once the price on these old packs kept climbing I decided that probably wasn't the best idea. Not sure if I'll ever open more of them, but I'm sure tempted to!
Looking for some great science fiction novels to read? I'm not exceptionally well read in science fiction, but I can highly recommend the following books to anyone looking for a fantastic journey.
Mystic Waffle's Random D&D Dungeon Generator is a web application, forged by AJ, a Human Sorcerer, written in JavaScript. The app implements a procedural generation algorithm to draw Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other RPG maps for your next session. The maps are accompanied by randomly generated room descriptions, doorway connections, and items. The generator can be configured using a number of settings.
Surviving Mars is a fantastic real-time strategy and resource management video game. It's a modern Sim City except your mission is to colonize and terraform Mars! Difficulty can be customized for each scenario and a random mystery drives the storyline. It's got full controller support which is hard to come by in a RTS game—which I love because I can enjoy it from the comfort of my couch.
For many scenarios this game can be brutally difficult, which is why I've compiled a short list of strategies and tips that I have learned from hundreds of hours of game-play.
Tired of flipping back and forth between multiple sheets to manage your D&D character? Annoyed that your stats, spells, features, equipment, background, etc. are scattered across multiple pages, forcing you to shuffle parchment every time you need to recall or update some small detail?
Introducing the Single Page 5e Character Sheet! This character sheet has space for everything on a one-sided piece of 8 1/2 by 11 inch printer paper. Streamline your game play with your entire character right at your fingertips!
So you want to build your cat an epic cat tower? Check out this do it yourself instruction manual for a wall mounted, 6 foot tall cat tree, complete with a carpeted a shelf on top. Materials cost about $100, which is quite a bit cheaper than buying a pre-built 6 foot cat tower, assuming the required tools are already handy.
You heard correctly. Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was nothing short of an incredible experience. It is absolutely one of the most phenomenal video games I have ever played. Truly, I can't say enough good things about this game. It rivals Oblivion and Skyrim as one of the most expansive and extremely detailed open world games I have ever player.
Witcher 3 has amazing character development, a dynamic atmospheric world, and a story so rich that it entraps you like a great novel. This cinematic experience includes so many details; leaves falling in the wind, critters scurrying around you, and subtly shifting weather. As you grow closer to the amazingly detailed characters, their struggles, and their immaculately crafted unique personalities, you'll get lost in this vast fantasy world.
This one-shot adventure for Dungeons & Dragons 5e can be run for 4 or 5 level 12 to level 14 characters (difficulty will vary with number of players, character level, and player experience—Challenge Ratings are based on 5 level 12 characters). The adventure typically takes 2 to 4 sessions.
Incorporate this into an ongoing campaign or have the players create new characters especially for this adventure. If new characters are created, each character should have the title “Dragon Slayer” or “Slayer of Dragons,” such as Jessica the Dragon Slayer, or Milo, Slayer of Dragons!
This Chord Interval Quiz App is designed to help musicians practice, memorize, and quiz themselves on chord intervals. Customize your quize to easy major or minor chords or step it up a notch and include to seventh, diminished, or suspended chords.
Greetings adventurers! Tired of the same old character sheets? Frustrated by limited inventory space or those ridiculously tiny text labels? Try my custom hand-drawn grid-paper Dungeons & Dragons 5e Character Sheets with generous space and flexible sections.
Graph App is a tool for tagging and filtering data points. Data points require a date and an amount which are plotted on the X and Y axis respectively. Points may be assigned an optional type. Data types can be associated to one or many tags, allowing the data set to be grouped and visualized in multiple ways. Tags can be toggled on or off to compare different subsets of data and the data set can be filtered by date ranges.
The app is written in JavaScript, runs in your web browser, and renders an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) visualizer on the fly. Data can be added and edited manually in the app or a CSV (Comma-separated values) file containing the appropriate column headers can be imported. Data sets and tag assignments can also be exported as CSV files for storage and re-imported later. The app and all imported and exported data runs exclusively in your local web browser.
Ahoy! This guide is for 5th edition D&D character creation and is handy for creating characters in big groups when there is only a single Player's Handbook to pass around. As the DM you can direct your players to this page or print out a copy for each player, then walk the group through the steps of character creation—providing them with all the extra details they'll needed from the Player's Handbook along the way. If you are creating a character on your own, without the guidance of your DM, this guide will provide you with detailed step-by-step directions.
Keep dying in The Long Dark? Don't feel bad. I did. Especially after I decided Interloper mode was the perfect challenge for me. I love this game. It is meditative, brutal, beautiful, and addicting. There is only one goal in survival mode. How long can you stay alive? Until your last match? Until a wolf inevitably ambushes you? Or maybe you stumbled on a sleeping bear? It's likely you'll die of exposure to the elements or lack of food or water.
One thing to always remember in The Long Dark is each tiny decision can be critical to life or death. Should you repair a jacket you found to increase your warmth bonus? Or is that time better spent foraging for food? The more you play The Long Dark the better you'll get at identifying the game's subtle and brilliant mechanics, helping you make those tricky decisions.
Make some popcorn and dim the lights before buckling down for another adventure into the great unknown. Will the future be ruled by a tyrant robot lord? Or perhaps a race of ultra advanced humanoids? Don't fret because a lone savior will defend humanity at the cost of personal sacrifice.
Here is a list of my favorite science fiction films. Forget teen boys riding flying bikes with awkward cuddly aliens. I want blood thirsty monsters and seductress doppelgängers! A good science fiction film better have laser gun battles, cryogen space travel, or witty techno-babble.
The Sony Alpha mirrorless cameras have notoriously short battery life. This comes with the territory of an incredibly lightweight camera packed with awesome features. Often after a few hours of constant shooing you'll find your battery is completely dead. The good news is that with a few modified settings and an awareness of your battery usage, a single Sony battery can last an entire five day backpack trip. Here are my Sony a7 battery life saving tips, pulled from my personal experience and scavenged from the Internet.
So you want to build a planter box? Awesome. Gardening is fun and good for your soul. Humans have been growing food for thousands of years, and so can you. You just need a box full of dirt. This guide will point you in the right direction to build a simple planter box that will last for years. The most difficult part will assuredly be getting motivated to drive to the hardware store. So roll up your sleeves, jot down the tools and materials you'll need (listed below), make a trip to the hardware store, and get building.