Witcher 3 Screenshots
Feb 10, 2022
You heard correctly. Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was nothing short of an incredible experience. It is absolutely one of the most phenomenal video games I have ever played. Truly, I can't say enough good things about this game. It rivals Oblivion and Skyrim as one of the most expansive and extremely detailed open world games I have ever player.
Witcher 3 has amazing character development, a dynamic atmospheric world, and a story so rich that it entraps you like a great novel. This cinematic experience includes so many details; leaves falling in the wind, critters scurrying around you, and subtly shifting weather. As you grow closer to the amazingly detailed characters, their struggles, and their immaculately crafted unique personalities, you'll get lost in this vast fantasy world.
Here are some of the best screen shots from my near 100% completion of Witcher 3. I enjoyed the role of photographer during my playthrough of Witcher 3, trying to get the best angles, the most vivid sunsets, and the perfect moments. So I decided to share the collection with you. Enjoy the detailed characters, harsh landscapes, castles in the distance, and dynamic lighting and weather.
Some of these screen shots have been modified to increase contrast and/or brightness, as the game's lighting is sometimes very dark.
Gameplay Full Moon Geralt Of Rivia Geralt Silhouette Geralt Of Rivia Noonwraith Inventory Sunset Geralt At Night Geralt In A Windy Landscape Forest Cabbin Campfire Gameplay Geralt At Night Witchers Stalking Geralts Cold Stare Crossbow Vesemir Geralt Vs The Beast Fo White Orchard Geralt Vs Royal Griffin Royal Griffin Geralt Vs Royal Griffin Royal Griffin Battle Critial Hit Geralt Hits The Dirt Geralt And Vesemir Geralt And Vesemir Trophy Time Knife Riding Roach City Ruins Landscape City Ruins Landscape Sky Of Fire Geralt By Firelight Geralt And Vesemir By Moonlight Yennefer And Gang Eredin Rides Yennefer Riding Knocked Off A Horse Inventory Emhyr Var Emreis Emhyr Var Emreis Cabinet Emhyr Var Emreis And Geralt Geralt Follow The Chamberlain In Game Ciri Drawing Portrait Yennefer Geralt And Yennefer Geralt And Yennefer Crows On Hangmen Crow Hanged Mans Tree Hang Mans Tree Geralt On Roach Silhouette Landscape Priest Of Eternal Fire Geralt Magnificent Sunset Running Tavern Village Destruction Of Eredin Blacksmith Geralt In The Rain Portcullis Geralt In The Rain Follow The Sergeant Bloody Baron Ciri Ciri In The Forest Ciri The King Of The Wolves Ciri Vs Wolves Ciri Ciri And Gretka Baron Ciri Bloody Baron And Ciri Ciri Snack Time Ciri Bloody Baron And Ciri Geralt Geralt Pyres Of Novigrad The Witcher Dwarf Smith Fergus Graem Villager Geralt And Fergus Graem Moonlit Cityscape Geralt Peasant Boy Peasant Woman Peasant Man Blacksmith Peasant Woman Wading Skeleton Feet Bonded Fighter Peasant Combat Gameplay Peasant Combat Gameplay Geralt Riding Into The Woods Town Bridge Ciry Sunset Harbor Sunset Harbor Sunset Harbor Sunset Harbor Sunset Pirates Assire Var Anahid Witch Pyre Illustrated Interlude Small Talk Intimidation Novigrad Meet With The King Of Beggars King Of Beggars Geralt Triss Merigold Triss Merigold King Of Beggars Triss In The Shadows Triss Hooded Following Triss Triss Noble Novigrad Fish Market Triss And Geralt Pyres Of Novigrad Triss Merigold Geralt And Triss Geralt And Triss Triss Merigold Geralt And Triss Geralt And Triss Triss Fireball Geralt And Triss Message From An Old Friend Library City Alley Harbor Workers Geralt Keira Metz Bathing Keira And Geralt Wandering In The Dark Find Kira Drowners Mage Projection Illusion Kira And Geralt Talking To Mage Projection Illustrated Interlude Keira And Geralt Gameplay Expore The Ruins And Follow The Swallow Symbols Cavern Low On Health Cavern Ruins Kira In The Dark Caranthir Caranthir Kira Spellcasting Geralt In The Dark Nithral Kira Kira And Geralt In Combat Gameplay Nithral Combat Gameplay Mage Projection Keira And Geralt Swallow Symbol Keira And Geralt Observing Swallow Symbol Geralt With Torch Keira And Geralt Keira Metz Apothecary Geralt Surrounded By Fog Griffon On The Horizon Forest Path Bar Brawl Bards Find The Pellars Hut Village Goose Geralt In A Storm Storm Clouds Back To Hangmans Tree Old Man Geralts Intense Stare Crescent Moon Fist Fighter Bandit Gang Slaughtered Bandit Gang Sunrise Wind Storm Elf Archer Vernossiel Vernossiel Keira Metz Sailing Ghost Lantern Ghost Ghost Knock Knock Peasant And Geralt Geralt And Keira Forest Date Geralt Arguing With Keira Keira Keira Keira By Candlelight Keira By Candlelight Keira By Candlelight Keira In Lingerie Keira And Geralt Keira And Geralt Keira And Geralt Forest Romance Keira And Geralt Foggy Landscape Solidiers Hut Geralt Talking To Children Oh No Forest Landscape Dialogue Johnny Witch Tapestry Witch Tapestry Witch Tapestry Villager Sunset Gameplay Sunset Shrieker Battle Old Man Solidier Geralt With Flaming Background Burning Stable Save The Stable Hand And Horese Trapped In The Burning Stable Raging Stable Fire Amrynn Geralt Topless Shadows Fullmoon Cloudscape Geralt And Keira Geralt And Keira Silhouette Redanian Soldier Combat Campfire In The Rain The Wispering Hillock Living Tree Spirit The Wispering Hillock The Wispering Hillock Tree Heart Tree Spirit Forest Sunrise Illustrated Interlude Alter Ruined Alter Candlelit Conversation Ciri Solidiers Ciri And The Barron Basilisk Ciri On Top Of Basilisk Ciri Action Shot King Of Beggars Triss Merigold Triss Geralt And Triss Walking Through Novigrad Novigrad Harbor Triss Geralt And Triss Triss Merigold Triss Geralt And Triss Merigold Triss Merigold Novigrad Dreaming Corinne Crookback Bog Tamara Sunrise Sunrise Shadows Geralt Decapitation Shipwreck Beach Shipwrecks Seagulls Sailing Vienne Edna Var Attre Edna Rosa Var Attre Edna Edna Geralt Novigrad Tretogor Gate Rosa Var Attre Rosa With Guard Rosa Fencing Lessons Rosa Var Attre Rosa Barber Time Geralt Triss Triss Hooded Geralt And Triss Witch Hunter Decapitation Decapitation Geralt And Caleb Menge Triss Spellcasting Triss Spellcasting Castle Swimming Stormy Castle Landscape Castle Bridge Landscape Triss Triss Village In Shadows Fancy Triss Triss And Geralt Triss And A Matter Of Life And Death Triss Glare Combat Gameplay Get Junior Radovid Combat Geralt And Triss Triss Castle Landscape Sunset Ruins Open Philippas Hideout Geralt Portal Priscilla Orchard Harbor Sunet Night Meeting Tavern Minstrel Geralt Elf Woman Ciri Vs Masked Enemy Ciri And Pirates Dandelion And Companion Decapitation Epic Sunset Boatyard Beach Wrecked Ship Landscape Mountain Pass River Harbor Yennefer And Geralt Yennefer Geralt And Yennefer Having A Chat Illustrated Interlude Geralt Amist Snowfall Cerys An Craite Yennefer Yennefer Yennefer And Geralt In The Mountains Geralt And Deer Portal Yennefer Geralt And Yennefer Bran Tuirseach And Geralt Yennefer Geralt Geralt Mountain Backdrop Echos Of The Past Conjunction Of The Spheres Geralt Wyvern Landscape Geralt Geralt At Dusk Yennefer Echoes Of The Past Sliding Down A Mountain Castle In The Mountains Cerys And Geralt Cerys And Geralt Geralt Yennefer Geralt And Yennefer Hmmm What Should We Do With The Body Masked For Evil Forest Yennefer Teleported To The Top Of A Mountain Yennefer In The Snow Geralt Mountain Shipwreck Yennefer Yennefer Summoning The Djinn The Last Wish Yennefer Yennefer Summoning On Mountain Top Shipwreak Yennefer Mountain Shipwreck Summoning Yennefer Yennefer And Geralt Yennefer On Shipwreak Geralt And Yennefer Enjoying The View Here Comes The Groom Cavern Opening Meeting At Dark Geralt Versus White Wolf Gorgeous Sunset Morvudd Combat Sunset Converstaion Meeting At The Altar Distant Castle Uma In Chains Yennefer Casting A Spell On Uma Yennefer Spellcasting Sailing To The Isle Of Mist Docking In The Shadows Dwarf With Geralt Doorway Silhouette Ciri And Geralt Meet Ciri Ciri Ciri Stories By Firelight The Plan Is Hatched Triss In The Mountains Yennefer Spellcasting Yennefer Power Surge Yennefer Casting Forcefield Kaer Morhen At Night Ciri And Eredin Clash Fireball Power Surge Caranthir Eskel In Combat Battle With Caranthir Caranthir Ciri Geralt Frozen Geralt Frozen Ciri And Geralt River Rafting Sunset Open Vista Geralt Ciri And Geralt On A Ledge Ciri And Geralt Talking On A Rock Ledge Novigrad Enterance Ciri Geralt Shopping With Ciri Ciri Hooded Ciri Hooded Ciri And Geralt Ciri Ciri And Geralt Geralt And Ciri Ciri And Geralt Ciri And Geralt Ciri And Geralt Ciri And Geralt Ciri And Geralt Talking Elf Ciri And Geralt Illustrated Interlude The Great Escape Yennefer Hooded Triss And Geralt Philippa Eilhart Triss And Geralt In Bed Triss And Yennefer Romance Desert Landscape Through Time And Space Sandcrab Through Time And Space Desolate Landscape City In The Distance Ciri Ciri And Geralt Geralt And Ciri Yennefer Harbor Sunset Triss Triss Yennefer Triss Illustrated Interlude Ciri Candlelight Ciri Geralt And Yennefer Ciri Purple Sky Ciri And Geralt Candles Triss Artifact Ciri Yennefer Fringilla And Philippa Shipwreck Blizzard Ciri Ciri In Combat With Caranthir Ciri Striking Caranthir Ciri Versus Caranthir Caranthir Caranthir Final Battle Geralt Geralt Killing Caranthir Eredin Eredin Battle Geralt Geralt Flaming Background Geralt And Yennefer Yennefer And Geralt Yennefer Opening A Portal Ruined Temple Ciri And Geralt Geralt In A Ruined Temple Ciri Encircled By White Light White Sphere Ciri Looking Into The Light Ciri In Monochrome Ciri And Geralt In Monochrome Ciri Power Surge Ciri And Geralt At The End Ciri Something Ends Something Begins Following Ciri In The Snow The End