Environment Tables For Your Sci-fi TTRPG

Environment Tables For Your Sci-fi TTRPG

Your players are deep in space, orbiting a strange new planet, or traversing the surface of a small moon. Environments in your sci-fi TTRPG are a critical story-telling component; they add tension, obstacles, and excitement for your players. The following tables should help you create awesome and unique environments and solar systems to explore! Roll for a random environment or pick and choose for inspiration to concoct your own creations.

Use these environment tables to quickly generate solar systems—and the environments contained within—for your science fiction table top role playing game: Star Wars D6, Star Trek Adventures, or (my favorite) Index Card RPG's Warp Shell setting.


The systems presented here are designed to add fun in your TTPRG without sacrificing speed of play. By no means is the content here 100% scientifically accurate or strictly adhere to the known laws fo physics. In fact, this content is geared towards playing in an awesome 1950's sci-fi movie—not replicating the vast emptiness of space.

Adjust as needed for your game's system and setting.

Table Summary
Systems The number of stars in the system.
Stars From blazing blue giants to dim brown dwarfs, stars are the primary source of energy in the universe.
Asteroid Belts Miscellaneous fields of asteroids and space-junk orbiting a star. Rich in minerals and resources.
Planets & Moons Gas and terrestrial planets and moons.
Rings Whether a planetoid has a ring, and if so, what it's made of.
Gravity Measurement of a celestial body's mass; relative to the arbitrary scale of Old Earth's gravity: 1g.
Atmosphere Composition of gases in the environment; whether the biome supports common lifeforms or is hostile.
Pressure The force exerted on characters, their ship, space station, or planetoid. Measured in atmospheres (atm).
Radiation Ever present in the void of space, radiation can quickly go from easily ignored to life threatening. Measured by radiation category level.
Temperature From the stark cold of the vacuum of space to the raging lava flows of the laval planet Morbix 12. Measured in degrees Celsius.
Biomes The type of environment on a terresterial planet or moon; from deserts to jungles, and everything in between.
Civilizations Who will you meet? From primitive communities to advanced civilizations.
Anomalies Wormholes, black holes, space stations, and space anomalies.

Systems – d4

Roll a d4 to determine the number of stars in the system.

Roll Stars
1 Uni (single star) system
2 Binary star system
3 Trinary star system
4 Nebula

Stars – d20

Roll a d20 for each each star in the system.

Roll Star Description
1 Red dwarf (M-Type) Small, dim, long-lived stars that host many rocky worlds.
2 Yellow Main Sequence (G-Type) Sun-like, stable, prime real estate for life.
3 Blue Giant (B-Type) Massive, intensely bright stars with short lifespans.
4 White Dwarf The husk of a dead star, extremely dense.
5 Neutron star A collapsed stellar core, spinning rapidly and emitting deadly radiation.
6 Pulsar A rotating neutron star emitting rhythmic bursts of electromagnetic radiation.
7 Black Hole The collapsed remnant of a massive star, devouring anything nearby.
8 Brown dwarf A failed star, barely emitting heat, often mistaken for a gas giant.
9 Quasi-Star A hypothetical giant, pre-supernova state star.
10 Magnetar An ultra-magnetic neutron star, capable of disrupting ship systems.
11 Supergiant (O-Type) Enormous, luminous star on the brink of exploding.
12 Wolf-Rayet Star A massive, highly unstable star shedding layers rapidly.
13 Hypernova Progenitor A star doomed to explode in a system-ending blast.
14 Protostar A young, still-forming star surrounded by a dense accretion disk.
15 Variable Star A star with irregular light emissions, sometimes linked to exotic matter.
16 Eclipsing Binary Two stars frequently blocking each other from view, affecting planetary climates.
17 T Tauri Star A newborn star blasting away its surroundings with stellar winds.
18 Flare Star A seemingly quiet star that randomly erupts into violent solar storms.
19 X-ray Binary A stellar corpse siphoning matter from a companion, emitting high-energy radiation.
20 Binary System Roll twice on this table. Two stars locked in gravitational dance, affecting orbits dramatically.

Asteroid Belts — d6

Roll a d6 to determine the number of asteroid belts in the system, then roll a d6 for each belt's attribute.

Roll Asteroid Belt Description
1 Carbonaceous Carbon, water, and organic compounds.
2 Metallic Rich in metals and minerals.
3 Rocky Primarily silicate rocks and minerals.
4 Ice Water, ammonia, and methane ice belt.
5 Space Junk Debris from destroyed ships, stations, and lost civilizations.
6 Mixed Roll again. The belt is a combination of each roll.

Planets & Moons – d12

Roll a d12 for the number of planets in the system, then roll a d12 for each plant to determine its type.

For each planet, roll a d12 for the number of moons orbiting it.

Once you have your celestial bodies, roll Rings, Gravity, Atmosphere, and/or Biome for each planet and moon.

Roll Planet Description
1—6 Gas A gas planet or gas giant.
7—9 Terrestrial An ice or rock planet.
10 Binary Gas Two gas planets orbiting each other.
11 Binary Terrestrial Two icy or rocky planets orbiting each other.
12 Artificial An artificially constructed planet or moon.

Rings – d10

For each planetoid roll to see if it has any rings.

Roll Rings Description
1—6 None No rings here!
7 Space Dust A ring of tiny dust particles.
8 Water & Ice A ring of water and ice chunks and particles.
9 Rocks Rocks and boulders orbiting the planetoid.
10 Mixed All manner and sizes of ice, rock, and space junk.

Gravity — d6

Roll a d6 to determine a planet or moon's gravity—which determines its size and density.

Roll Gravity G-force Description
1 Microgravity <0.1g Extremely low gravity environment. Almost weightless, allowing flight-like jumping and gliding. Common on large asteroids or dense debris fields. Always remember to tether.
2 Low 0.3g Low gravity environment. Jumping and moving is magnified by 3x. Common to very small moons.
3 Standard 1g Feels about like Old Earth.
4 High 1.5g Heavy gravity environment. Movement is halved and jumping is difficult. Remote vehicles and rovers advised. Common on massive and/or very dense planetoids.
5 Extreme >2g Extreme gravity environment. Movement is extremely difficult and jumping is impossible. Space launch requires special equipment. Common on super-dense planetoids.
6 Fluctuating Roll twice on this table. Gravity fluctuates between rolls. Roll a d20 for intervals in minutes or a d100 for intervals in seconds.

Atmosphere — d10

Roll a d10. On a roll of 1, the planetoid has an atmosphere. Cool!

Roll another d10 and consult the table below to determine the atmosphere's composition. This table can also be used for pressurized vessels, capsules, and space stations.

Roll Atmosphere Composition Description
1 Breathable 20% O2
80% N2
Required to support common life on planets, moons, vessels, and space stations.
2 Unbreathable 5% O2
5% CO2
90% N2
Requires oxygen support or an all-environment suit. Breathable atmosphere may be harvestable given the right equipment.
3 Toxic 10% O2
90% CH4
Requires oxygen support or an all-environment suit.
4 Volatile 10% O2
90% H2
Dangerously flammable atmosphere featuring frequent explosions and fires.
5 Vapor 90% H2O
5% Ar
Steamy atmosphere with frequent rain and fog. Breathable, assuming a bearable temperature.
6 Carbon 95% CO2
5% N2
Deadly to most lifeforms. Requires oxygen support or an all-environment suit. Reminiscent of the atmosphere of Mars in the Sol system.
7 Gaseous 80% H2
10% He
5% CH4
5% NH3
Unstable atmosphere with frequent storms and lightning.
8 Thin 5% O2
95% He
Requires oxygen support or an all-environment suit. Breathable atmosphere may be harvestable given the right equipment.
9 Sulfur 90% SO2O
10% O2
Deadly to most lifeforms. Requires oxygen support or an all-environment suit. Reminiscent of the atmosphere of Venus in the Sol system.
10 Vacuum 99% nothing An empty vacuum. Barren planetary bodies and asteroids.

Pressure — d6

Atmospheric pressure of a ship, station, elevation, depth, or planetoid. For planetoids, only roll if the body has an atmosphere.

Roll Pressure Atmospheres Description
1 Low 0.5 atm Extremely thin air, approximately equivalent to 20,000 feet above sea level of Old Earth. Breathable after acclimation.
2 Standard 1 atm Feels good, just like Old Earth.
3 Medium 2 atm Medium pressure, like being 30 feet underwater.
4 High 5 atm High pressure, like being 150 feet underwater.
5 Extreme 50 atm. Crushes submersibles and most spacecraft, not to mention unprotected biological and artificial lifeforms.
6 None 0 atm The vacuum of space.

Radiation — d6

Radiation check: is it safe?

Roll Level Description
1 Category 1 Natural background radiation, ever present with no critical effects.
2 Category 2 Elevated but still safe.
3 Category 3 Avoid extended periods of exposure.
4 Category 4 Extreme radiation. Expect radiation sickness and possible death. Take necessary precautions.
5 Category 5 A lethal radiation level. Evacuate immediately and seek medial attention.
6 Fluctuating Roll twice on this table. Radiation fluctuates between rolls. Roll a d20 for intervals in minutes or a d100 for intervals in seconds.

Temperature — d6

Roll a d6 to determine the temperature of a planet, moon, space station, abandoned ship, etc.

Roll Temperature Celsius Description
1 Freezing –270.4°C The dire cold of the vacuum of space.
2 Freezing -20°C and below Extreme cold. Frostbite and hypothermia are immediate threats.
3 Cold -20—0°C Chilly. Snow and ice are common.
4 Temperate 0—30°C Usually comfortable. Not too hot, not too cold.
5 Warm 30—50°C Uncomfortably hot for most lifeforms. Frequent hydration and a level 5 sunblock advised.
6 Extreme 50°C and up Deadly hot. Heatstroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, and death are immediate threats.

Biomes — d12

Roll a d12 for a Biome. For multiple biomes on one planetoid, roll several times and note each area or continent.

Roll Planetoid Description
1 Archipelago An ocean world dotted with small island groups, shallow reefs, and atolls.
2 Arctic A frozen wasteland planetoid of ice, snow, and glaciers. May contain geothermal activity.
3 Desert Sunbaked barren sphere of dunes, rocks, and canyons.
4 Forest A lush, green forest planetoid, thriving with biological plant and/or animal life.
5 Ice A frozen ocean world. Rich in H2O and other rare molecules.
6 Jungle A dense, tropical, biome teeming with life.
7 Mountain A rough rocky planetoid featuring jagged peeks, deep ravines, and savage weather systems.
8 Ocean A water world containing abundant aquatic plant and/or animal activity.
9 Rocky A relatively flat, rocky, barren, and cold world. Rich in mineral ore though!
10 Swamp A planetoid of misty swamp forests, hazy bayous, and shallow oceans checkered with mangroves.
11 Terraformed A planetoid artificially altered to support life.
12 Volcanic Volcanic mountains, steaming oceans, and active lava flows covering a geologically unstable celestial body.

Civilizations & Life — d12

Does it support life? It does in our game if we want it to!

Roll Civilization Description
1 Plant life only A planetoid with no animal life.
2 Insect A planetoid rich with plant and insect life.
3 Prehistoric A planetoid supporting prehistoric lifeforms.
4 Primitive Stone age technology, tribal societies, and hunter-gatherer cultures.
5 Classical Ancient civilizations, city-states, and empires.
6 Medieval Feudal societies, castle-like fortifications, and shady political systems.
7 Industrial Factories, steam engines, and early electricity.
8 Technological Advanced technology, space travel, and cybernetics.
9 Artificial & Cybernetic Artificial intelligence, cyborgs, sentient robots, synthetic lifeforms, and bio-enhanced beings.
10 Transcendent Post-singularity civilizations, god-like beings, and incomprehensible technology.
11 Apocalyptic A once advanced civilization on the brink of extinction. Ruins, wastelands, and desperate survivors.
12 Clashing Roll twice on this table, this planet has two drastically clashing levels of evolution.

Anomalies – d12

Roll one anomaly for your system, or a whole bunch! I don't care!

Roll Anomaly Description
1 Asteroid Field The entire system is a chaotic sprawl of colliding asteroids and debris. Extreme caution advised.
2 Asteroid Mining Colony A space colony built into an asteroid.
3 Black Hole Gravitational singularity with an event horizon. Approach with caution.
4 Distress Signal Signal from a stranded vessel or colony. May be a trap or a genuine call for help.
5 Dyson Sphere Megastructure surrounding a star to maximize solar energy harvest. Might be inhabited by artificial, biological, or transcendent life, or may be abandoned and dormant.
6 Floating Colony Self sustaining colony floating in space. Possibly abandoned.
7 Space Station Orbital station around a planet, moon, or asteroid.
8 Supernova The entire system is bombarded with energy from a star which has undergone a catastrophic explosion, ejecting most of its mass into an asymmetrical field of energy.
9 Wormhole Space-time tunnel connecting two points in space. Hopefully stable.
10 Quantum Anomaly Unexplained phenomena defying the laws of physics.
11 Artifacts Remnants and clues of an ancient civilization.
12 Multiple Roll twice on this table. The system contains two anomalies.
