Epic Late '90s & Early 2000s MTG Booster Pack Collection
Aug 20, 2023
Hi there. I'm just taking a quick pulse on how many old Magic: The Gathering boosters I have stashed away in a shoe box in my office. I was opening these for a while for drafts, but once the price on these old packs kept climbing I decided that probably wasn't the best idea. Not sure if I'll ever open more of them, but I'm sure tempted to!
I've posted about my collection of retro booster packs in the past, and the awesome legacy drafts we've had, but the collection has grown a bit and it's time to post an update!

- 4 × Alliances, 1996
- 4 × Apocalypse, 2001
- 4 × Chronicles, 1995
- 4 × Coldsnap, 2006
- 4 × Fallen Empires, 1994
- 8 × Fourth Edition, 1995
- 6 × Ice Age, 1995
- 6 × Mercadian Masques, 1999
- 2 × Mirage, 1996
- 4 × Nemesis, 2000
- 6 × Planeshift, 2001
- 2 × Scourge, 2003
- 1 × Tempest, 1997
- 1 × Urza's Destiny, 1999
- 2 × Urza's Legacy, 1999
- 1 × Urza's Saga, 1998
- 4 × Visions, 1997
- 21 × Weatherlight, 1997
- 1 × Mirage, 1996
- 1 × Mercadian Masques, 1999
- 1 × Odyssey, 2001
