Pure Artifact Deck
Nov 12, 2016
I think this deck came out pretty good. It's not the strongest but it is extremely fun to play. And I think a deck without any basic lands is a pretty cool thing.

Brass Man

Clockwork Beast

Clockwork Gnomes

Dancing Scimitar ( x 2 )

Dragon Engine ( x 2 )

Horrible Hordes

Jade Statue

Juggernaut ( x 4 )


Obsianus Golem ( x 2 )

Patagia Golem

Phyrexian Walker ( x 2 )

Wall of Spears

Yotian Soldier ( x 2 )

Ashnod's Battle Gear

Black Vise

Conch Horn

Cursed Rack

Delif's Cone

Flying Carpet

Fountain of Youth

Icy Manipulator ( x 2 )

Jayemdae Tome

Juju Bubble

Life Chisel

Nevinyrral's Disk

Pentagram of the Ages

Power Matrix ( x 2 )

Ring of Renewal

Sol Ring

Tablet of Epityr

The Hive ( x 2 )

Zelyon Sword

Crystal Vein

Maze of Shadows ( x 2 )

Mishra's Factory ( x 4 )

Scorched Ruins

Strip Mine ( x 4 )

Urza's Mine ( x 4 )

Urza's Power Plant ( x 4 )

Urza's Tower ( x 4 )